About the Pilot

So how did Will get to this point ?


Well, he started flying when he was 19- a skill he was destined to acquire as he was born in Alaska and was surrounded by relatives who owned and flew planes. As he followed his aviation passion, he added more ratings and qualifications until he found his way to the aerobatic world. Rock n Roll Pitts and pilotStarting with a successful experience competing in aerobatic contests with a Decathlon, he ventured into instructing spin recovery and aerobatics, and then progressed to performing airshows in the very same Decathlon. Will eventually found himself in a position to upgrade to the Pitts bi-plane, something he would never have thought possible when he was younger. Through hard work and dedication (and the many sacrifices made by his wife!) he has managed to sustain competing in the Advanced category, teaching, and flying airshows, bringing his love of flying to all sorts of audiences. Adding music, his other great passion, to the mix brings a whole new dimension to his airshow performance – he writes, arranges and records his songs in his own home-based recording studio.


Will feels incredibly lucky and privileged to be able to pursue his dreams and hopes to inspire many others to find whatever their passion is and go after it!